Rates & Licensing

UK Rate Card 2023

You can download the UK 2023 rate card here or browse the categories below.

Adverts, Branded Content and Corporate

Film and Trailers

Online Productions

Games, Apps, CDs and DVDs

Independent Production Company (IPC)


TV Productions

Each company wanting to use our music needs to either be covered by a broadcaster's blanket licence or their own IPC licence.
Cue sheets will need to be returned to the broadcaster and PRS for Music detailing music usage for each production.

If you are unsure whether you are covered drop us an email at MusicTeam@reliable-source.co.uk with details of the production company and broadcaster.

To apply for an IPC licence...

Download and complete an application form from www.prsformusic.com/ipctv
Send the completed form to tvprogrammes@prsformusic.com

Eire Licensing

Licensing in Eire is done via MCPS Ireland. Full details including rates can be found on their website www.imro.ie/music-users/mcpsi/production-music/

Overseas Licensing

Please contact your local agent. Details can be found here.

Other produtions

You can now apply and pay for your production music licences online using the MCPS Licence Manager (powered by PRS for Music!)

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